单选题:Dialogue ThreeMan:Okay,Mr.Taylor,let’s go ahead and begin.Fi

Dialogue Three
Man:Okay,Mr.Taylor,let’s go ahead and begin.First of all,tell me about your last job.
Mr.Taylor:Well,as stated on my resume,I’ve worked for five years at Hi—tech Computers.
Man:Okay.Hi—Tech.And what do you know about computer networks and operating systems in-eluding DOS,Windows,Macintosh OS,and UNIX?
Mr.Taylor:Umm…well…I did come into contact with computers every night at my last job.
Man:Huh…____8____ We are looking for someone to create and manage our company’s website
which would include the development.configuration and use of CGI scripts.
Mr.Taylor:Umm…uh,web page,web page.Huh…I don’t think l’ve read that book,and ____9 ____.
Man:Huh And what about experience with Java or JavaScript?
Mr.Taylor:Well….I think l’ve tried Java at a foreign coffee shop one time,if that’s what you mean?
Man:Okay,Mr.Taylor, ____10____
Mr.Taylor:Oh。and I really like computer games.I play them everyday.
Man:Right,right.Thanks,Mr.Taylor.We’ll be in touch.
第8题_______ A.And how about website authoring skills? ’
B.I think I have all the information I need!
C.I’m afraid l’ve never used those CGI things.
D.First of all,tell me about yourself.


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作为中华民族传统文化之一的汉字现在受着键盘文化的严重冲击,为此在中小学阶段加强对学生认字和书写汉字的教育,表明(  )。 A.汉字是传承中华民族文化的基础 B.


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