

My Volunteer Experience at the Youth Services Center Library

  My experience at the library included回答

kids during their library visit in a number of ways—reader.s advisory, working with the kids during library skills sessions, and checking回答
Of all of these experiences, working through problems with the kids during library skills sessions was回答

rewarding. Some of the library skills sessions were on the computer and others were using print sources like newspapers and encyclopedias.
  Reader.s advisory for the kids was also rewarding. Through the recommendations of Jill Morrison, the YSCL.s head librarian, and also talking with the kids themselves, I read quite a few young adult titles. Doing this reading and also reading other reviews of juvenile literature回答

me to give the kids recommendations for books they might enjoy.
  One afternoon a high school-aged girl approached me回答

books about college. She wanted to get all of the information that she could on college admission processes. Together using the library.s webcat, we found some useful books for her. We also found some relevant websites. At the beginning of my experience at the YSCL, I felt that if I came away making a difference for only one person, I had succeeded. This young woman was so appreciative and enthusiastic about the information we found together that I think I met my goal.

31 . 屋架下弦纵向水平支撑一般布置在屋架的( )。A.端竖杆处B.下弦中间C.下弦端节间D.斜腹

31 . 屋架下弦纵向水平支撑一般布置在屋架的( )。A.端竖杆处B.下弦中间C.下弦端节间D.斜腹杆处


被授权组织与行政机关委托的组织的区别主要有( )选择一项或多项:

被授权组织与行政机关委托的组织的区别主要有( )选择一项或多项:a.被授权组织属于行政主体。行政机关委托的组织不是行政主体b.被授权组织主要是行政机构,行政机关



