选择题:Even after the railroad had come and the car revol

Even after the railroad had come and the car revolution had taken place , the great distance to be traveled and the time necessary to do so 16 . a major
problem. The three largest 17____, New York/New Jersy , Los Angeles/Long beach , and Chicago, are very far apurt. NewYork to Chicago is 700 mils and
from Chicago to Los Angeles over 1 ,700 miles. Then ,in the 20thcentury , a second 18 revolution has taken place,the airplane has become the 19
factor(因素)in 20 transportation. Especially during the last twenty years, the. 21___ of airplanes and the amount of flying has .22 enormously. In some ways
, this revolution is 23 the first one which was brought__24__by,the 25 _.FlyingintheU.S.isnowvery.26__ for just about any American. One reason is the
enormous 27 that have to be covered in onder to get from onecomer of the 28__ to the other. Another reason is that it is less 29 . In America,on the 30____,
than just about anywhere else. Competition 31 the sev-eral hundred interstate and intemational American airlines,all of them privately___ 32,isgreat. This
development has also accelerated(加速). 33 the civilian airlines were first“deregulated(解除管制)”, that is , allowed to compete with each other for more
routes and 34 , in the late 1970s. Today , the U. S. airlines possess over one -fifth of all civilian 35 in the world. 16. A. kept B. remained C. got D. took
17. A. areas B. places C. cities D. districts 18. A. technology B. scientifie C. Transportation D. social 19. A. necessary B. major C.
important D. decisive 20. A. collective B. group C. personal D. mass 21. A. size B. speed C. comfort D. number . 22. A. widened B.
grown C. developed D. climbed 23. A. similar to B. different from C. compared to D. judged by 24. A. about B. up C. away D. on 25. A.
train B. car C. steam engine D. sailing ship 26. A. enjoyable B. popular C. common D. usual 27. A. grounds B. area C. lengths D. distances
28. A. country B. world C. land D nation 29. A. strict B. expensiveC. difficultD. inconvenient 30. A. surface B. averageC. planeD. flight 31. A. forB.
againstC. betweenD. with 32. A. ownedB. managedC. organizedD. planned 33. A. becauseB. thoughC. afterD. since 34. A. passengersB. airplanesC.
customersD. airports 35. A. fyingB. travelC. aircraftD. airlines

人的心理活动对一定对象的指向和集中是:( )

人的心理活动对一定对象的指向和集中是:( ) A. 感觉 B. 知觉 C. 记忆 D. 思维 E. 注意


6、当代公共政策的基本特征之一是很多政策的生命周期延长了。( )

6、当代公共政策的基本特征之一是很多政策的生命周期延长了。( )
