选择题:Earth’s animals are disappearing faster than they

Earth’s animals are disappearing faster than they reproduce. Because there is too 11 research and too much ignorance, 12 is aware of how much we are losing.

Many different kinds of plants and animals 13 extinct. Every year,0.5 percent of the 14 things in the tropical rain forests become extinct. Some disappear 15 they are found and named. No one has time 16 them before they are gone.

The disappearance of species 17 scientists. They want the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 to be made 18 .This act was formed to protect endangered species. 19, land developers,and factory owners disagree. They want changes that will make the act weaker.They think the act is not working. They believe it is not 20 to private landowners. They want the act to consider people more.

11. A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

12.A.anyone B.no one C.someone D.either one

13.A.are becoming B.were becoming C.became D.are to become

14.A.lively B.alive C.living D.live

15.A.as B.after C.until D.before

16.A.study B.to study C.studying D.studied

17.A.interests B.attracts C.worries D.encourages

18.A.better B.larger C. faster D. stronger

19.A.However B.Furthermore C.Therefore D. Though

20.A.enough B. fair C




下列有关备用信用证的陈述,正确的是( ) A、备用信用证是一种支付方式 B、备用信用

下列有关备用信用证的陈述,正确的是( ) A、备用信用证是一种支付方式 B、备用信用证是可以撤销的 C、备用信用证的开证人承担从属性责任 D


技术许可方要求被许可方从许可方或其指定处购买被许可方不需要的技术、设备、产品 或服务,以此作为被许可

技术许可方要求被许可方从许可方或其指定处购买被许可方不需要的技术、设备、产品 或服务,以此作为被许可方获得技术许可的条件,这种限制性做法被称之为( ) A、


国际商事仲裁裁决一般( )A.有法律强制执行效力 B.当事人不服可到法院申请再审C.当事人

国际商事仲裁裁决一般( )A.有法律强制执行效力 B.当事人不服可到法院申请再审C.当事人不服可到法院申请撤销D.当事人不服可到法院上诉
