选择题:22 Which of the following statements about limited liability companies’ accounting is/are correct?

  • 题目分类:ACCA考试
  • 题目类型:选择题
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22 Which of the following statements about limited liability companies’ accounting is/are correct?

1 A revaluation reserve arises when a non-current asset is sold at a profit.

2 The authorised share capital of a company is the maximum nominal value of shares and loan notes the company

may issue.

3 The notes to the financial statements must contain details of all adjusting events as defined in IAS10 Events after

the balance sheet date.

A All three statements

B 1 and 2 only

C 2 and 3 only

D None of the statements



企业的影响者市场包括()。A:金融机构 B:新闻媒体 C:政府、社区 D:消费者权益保护组织 E:供应商


24 What figure should appear in the consolidated balance sheet of the J group as at 31 December 2004 for minority

24 What figure should appear in the consolidated balance sheet of the J group as at 31 Dec


从经济学的角度看,保险是一种集合( )风险单位以分摊损失的经济制度。 A.少量 B.异质 C.同质 D.大量E.全部

从经济学的角度看,保险是一种集合( )风险单位以分摊损失的经济制度。 A.少量 B.异质 C.同质 D.大量E.全部


2 The draft financial statements of Choctaw, a limited liability company, for the year ended 31 December 2004 showed

2 The draft financial statements of Choctaw, a limited liability company, for the year end



共用题干 某企业为了扩大某产品的生产,拟建设新厂。据市场预测,产品销路好的概率为0.8,销路差的概率为0.2。有三种方案可供企业选择:方案1:新建大厂,需投资260万元。据初步估计,销路好时,每年可获利140万元;销路差时,每年亏损50万元。服务期为10年。方案2:新建小厂,需投资180万元。销路好时,每年可获利50万元,销路差时,每年仍可获利23万元。服务期为10年。方案3:先建小厂,3年后销路好时再扩建,需追加投资200万元,服务期为7年,估计每年获利105万元。根据以上资料,回答下列问题:如果该企
