25、 It was in the 1930s that she rose to fame and

25、 It was in the 1930s that she rose to fame and fortune a writer. ( )[ 3 分 ]


5、 They all looked too tired to be bothered( ) any

5、 They all looked too tired to be bothered( ) any joking.[ 3 分 ]


25. It was Mrs. White’s day off, and Paul was ____

25. It was Mrs. White’s day off, and Paul was _______ duty in her place.(本题3.0分)


26. 主张把教育心理学作为一门独立科学的分支来进行研究,反对把普通心理学的成果简单的移植到教育心理

26. 主张把教育心理学作为一门独立科学的分支来进行研究,反对把普通心理学的成果简单的移植到教育心理学,并创立了心理学的“文化—历史发展理论”,并从这一理论出发


1. I believe she can cope _________ the difficult

1. I believe she can cope _________ the difficult situation.(本题3.5分) A、 to B、 by
