选择题:2 Benny Korere has been employed as the sales director of Golden Tan plc since 1994. He earns an annual salary of

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  • 题目类型:选择题
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2 Benny Korere has been employed as the sales director of Golden Tan plc since 1994. He earns an annual salary of

£32,000 and is provided with a petrol-driven company car which has a CO2 emission rate of 187g/km and had a

list price when new of £22,360. In August 2003, when he was first provided with the car, Benny paid the company

£6,100 towards the capital cost of the car. Golden Tan plc does not pay for any of Benny’s private petrol and he is

also required to pay his employer £18 per month as a condition of being able to use the car for private purposes.

On 1 December 2006 Golden Tan plc notified Benny that he would be made redundant on 28 February 2007. On

that day the company will pay him his final month’s salary together with a payment of £8,000 in lieu of the three

remaining months of his six-month notice period in accordance with his employment contract. In addition the

company will pay him £17,500 in return for agreeing not to work for any of its competitors for the six-month period

ending 31 August 2007.

On receiving notification of his redundancy, Benny immediately contacted Joe Egmont, the managing director of

Summer Glow plc, who offered him a senior management position leading the company’s expansion into Eastern

Europe. Summer Glow plc is one of Golden Tan plc’s competitors and one of the most innovative companies in the

industry, although not all of its strategies have been successful.

Benny has agreed to join Summer Glow plc on 1 September 2007 for an annual salary of £39,000. On the day he

joins the company, Summer Glow plc will grant him an option to purchase 10,000 ordinary shares in the company

for £2·20 per share under an unapproved share option scheme. Benny can exercise the option once he has been

employed for six months but must hold the shares for at least a year before he sells them.

The new job will require Benny to spend a considerable amount of time in London. Summer Glow plc has offered

Benny the exclusive use of a flat that the company purchased on 1 June 2003 for £165,000; the flat is currently

rented out. The flat will be made available from 1 September 2007. The company will pay all of the utility bills

relating to the flat as well as furnishing and maintaining it. Summer Glow plc has also suggested that if Benny would

rather live in a more central part of the city, the company could sell the existing flat and buy a more centrally located

one, of the same value, with the proceeds.

On 15 March 2007 Benny intends to sell 5,800 shares in Mahana plc, a quoted company, for £24,608. His

transactions in the company’s shares have been as follows:

June 1988 Purchased 8,400 shares 6,744

February 1996 Sale of rights nil paid 610

January 2005 Purchased 1,300 shares 2,281

The sale of rights, nil paid, was not treated as a part disposal of Benny’s holding in Mahana plc.

Benny’s shareholding in Mahana plc represents less than 1% of the company’s issued ordinary share capital. He will

not make any other capital disposals in 2006/07.

In addition to his employment income, Benny receives rental income of £4,000 (net of deductible expenses) each

year. He normally submits his tax return in August but he has not yet prepared his return for 2005/06. He expects

to be very busy in December and January and is planning to prepare his tax return in late February 2007.


(a) Calculate Benny’s employment income for 2006/07. (4 marks)


责任保险承保的是( )。[2005年真题]A.刑事责任 B.行政责任 C.民事责任 D.道义责任

责任保险承保的是( )。[2005年真题] A.刑事责任 B.行政责任 C.民事责任 D.道义责任


(b) (i) Advise Benny of the income tax implications of the grant and exercise of the share options in Summer

(b) (i) Advise Benny of the income tax implications of the grant and exercise of the share



共用题干 方元公司经过十几年的发展,通过不断创新营销模式,成为目前国内最成功的零售企业之一。公司成立之初,除了传统的店面销售之外,公司还通过向目标市场成员直接寄发企业商品目录,目标市场顾客通过寄回邮件或拨打订购电话进行购物的新模式。随着网络时代的到来,公司积极开展了网络营销业务。2012年,公司已经能够依靠网络与供应商、制造商、消费者建立密切联系,通过网络收集、传递信息,并根据消费者需求,充分利用网络伙伴的能力,完成产品设计、制造及销售服务的过程,为了让顾客更好地了解方元公司,方元公司开展了交换链接、竞


(ii) List the additional information required in order to calculate the employment income benefit in respect

(ii) List the additional information required in order to calculate the employment income


根据我国《保险法》的规定,除( )外,经营其他保险业务应当按保险公司当年自留 保费的50%来提取和结转未到期责任准备金。[2005年真题]A.人寿保险 B.人身意外伤害保险C.财产保险 D.短期健康保险

根据我国《保险法》的规定,除( )外,经营其他保险业务应当按保险公司当年自留 保费的50%来提取和结转未到期责任准备金。[2005年真题] A.人寿保险 B.人身意外伤害保险 C.财产保险 D.短期健康保险
