选择题:A strong vocabulary can be a valuable asset, both

A strong vocabulary can be a valuable asset, both in college and later in your career. Considerable research evidence suggests the students who are most successful in school are those with the largest vocabularies. Other research ties job advancement to vocabulary level .In one study, successful business executives were found to have the highest vocabulary of any occupational group.

Your vocabulary is also an important personal characteristic upon which people form their first, but lasting, impression of you. Your vocabulary reveals a lot about you and is particularly important in job interviews, oral class presentations, discussion group classes, and papers and exams that you write.

How would you rate your vocabulary? Many students answer either “good” or “terrible”, but vocabulary knowledge is not an either-or, two-choice situation. Try the following quiz, which will help you realize that vocabulary ability is much more than “Either I know the word or I don’ t.” Do not be concerned with how you score on the quiz; its purpose is to make a point, not to measure your vocabulary level.

1. The word “asset” in line 1 probably means_________

2. The author tries to convince his readers of ________.

3. The purpose in following the quiz is to _____________.

4. People’s _________of you is also influenced by you vocabulary.

5. The passage mainly deals with the impo

晚期流产的描述是( )A.流产发生于12周末以前B. 分娩发生在妊娠42周以后C. 流产发生于12周

晚期流产的描述是( )A.流产发生于12周末以前B. 分娩发生在妊娠42周以后C. 流产发生于12周末以后27周以前D. 胎盘附着于子宫下段


()是不拘泥于当前资源约束,寻求机会、进行价值创造的行为过程。(2.0分)2.0 分

()是不拘泥于当前资源约束,寻求机会、进行价值创造的行为过程。(2.0分)2.0 分 A、 创业 B、 创新 C、 创造 D、 创立



【单选题】关于中国(上海)创业者公共实训基地,下列说法有误的是()。 A、 它是一个盈利性的创业孵化机构 B、 它是一个面向全国的开放式平台 C、
