选择题:Why did his wife want a telegram from him?( )

Why did his wife want a telegram from him?( )

A、 Because she didn.t know his address yet 
B、 Because she wanted to go to New York, too
C、 Because she might send him another telegram  
D、 Because she couldn.t leave her husband by himself in New York

运动处方包括 (ABCD)A.运动锻炼强度、频度、时间和进度的计划B.尤其为高风险者提供万无一失的义

运动处方包括 (ABCD)A.运动锻炼强度、频度、时间和进度的计划B.尤其为高风险者提供万无一失的义务监督保障C.对每次训练的场地内容负荷时间作出具体安排D.运
