选择题:Americans believe so much in moving ahead that the

Americans believe so much in moving ahead that they are _1_ researching, experimenting and exploring. They treat time as if it _2_ real — a precious resource. They budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it and charge for it. A foreigner’s first impression _3_ the U.S. is that everyone is in a rush and often _4_ pressure. City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention or elbowing others. Foreigners who miss smiles, brief conversations, or leisurely exchanges with strangers should not feel hurt by this. Americans value time so highly, they dislike anyone “wasting” it _5_ an appropriate amount. New arrivals to the States will miss the custom of social talk during a business call because Americans generally _6_ or enquire about their visitors professionally rather than socially. They start talking business very quickly; time is always ticking in their heads. They work hard at saving time _7_ labor-saving devices so they communicate rapidly by fax, phone or email rather than through _8_ contact. The impersonality of electronic communication has _9_ to do with the significance of the matter _10_ hand.

1. A. engaged to B. committed to C. devoted themselves to D. contribute to

2. A. were B. is C. was D. are

3. A. in B. on

记载“子以四教,文行忠信”这句话的史书是( )[ 3 分 ]A.《孟子》B.《老子》C.《论语》

记载“子以四教,文行忠信”这句话的史书是( )[ 3 分 ]A.《孟子》B.《老子》C.《论语》


数学概念的形成主要依靠( )(本题1.0分)A、 对具体事物的抽象B、 对认知结构的改组C、 新旧知

数学概念的形成主要依靠( )(本题1.0分)A、 对具体事物的抽象B、 对认知结构的改组C、 新旧知识的联系D、 对规则的学习和理解


省级人大常委会组成人员不得担任[ 1 分 ]A.人民团体领导B.中共省委委员C.审判机关职务D.省属

省级人大常委会组成人员不得担任[ 1 分 ]A.人民团体领导B.中共省委委员C.审判机关职务D.省属事业单位领导


(多选题) 园林植物病虫害防治的原则与策略有哪些?( )(本题3.5分) A、 杜绝与铲除; B、

(多选题) 园林植物病虫害防治的原则与策略有哪些?( )(本题3.5分) A、 杜绝与铲除; B、 免疫与抵抗; C、 保护; D、 治疗。


.说和写属于自内而外的输出,通过说和写的训练培养学生的(  )(本题1.0分)A、 理解能力B、 表

.说和写属于自内而外的输出,通过说和写的训练培养学生的(  )(本题1.0分)A、 理解能力B、 表达能力C、 迁移能力D、 记忆能力
