填空题:Section A  Directions: In this section, there is a passage w

  • 题目分类:英语六级
  • 题目类型:填空题
  • 查看权限:VIP
  Section A
  Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
  Questionsare based on the following passage.

   A normal conversation between strangers involves more than talk. It also involves the dynamics of space interaction. If one person gets too close, the other person will back up. If the first person  1  the other's space again, the other will back up again. The person who finds himself or herself backing up is trying to increase the distance of the  2  zone. The person closing in is trying to decrease the distance. Most likely  3  the one nor the other is fully aware of what is going on.
   In the 1960s, American anthropologist Edward T. Hall was a pioneer in study of human  4  use of space. His field of study became known as proxemics (空间关系学). Hall said that personal space for Americans can be defined as having four 5 zones: the 6 zone within 18 inches of your body for whispering and embracing; personal zone of 18 inches to four feet, for talking with close friends; social zone of four to 10 feet, for talking with 7 ; and the social zone of 10 to 25 feet, for talking to strangers or to a group.
   Historians say that our  8  of personal space began with the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. In cities such as London and New York, people of different social and economic classes were suddenly crammed together, so they  9  developed a commonly-understood rule of polite behavior and space to restrict the area around them.
  People exhibit nonverbal messages of  10  when their zones are violated. Invaded people might pull at their hair, become rigid, or even become angry. As Hall noted in his work, a comfortable conversation needs to include the range of human personal space.
  A . unconsciously F . distinct K . relatives
  B . intimate G . standards L . deliberately
  C . behavioral H . invades M . discomfort
  D . comfort I . explicit N . acquaintances
  E . conquers J . neither O . either

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What does the author think of intellect?A.It is to be pursue B.It underlies powe


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( )是指经营决策错误、决策执行不当或对行业变化束手无策,对银行的收益或资本形成现实和长远的影响。

( )是指经营决策错误、决策执行不当或对行业变化束手无策,对银行的收益或资本形成现实和长远的影响。A.流动性风险 B.战略风险 C.声誉风险 D.法律风险


巴塞尔委员会认为商业银行治理应遵循的八大原则包括(  )。

巴塞尔委员会认为商业银行治理应遵循的八大原则包括(  )。A.商业银行应保持公司治理的透明度 B.董事会应核准商业银行的战略目标和价值准则,并监督其在全行的传达


黄金的需求方不包括(  )。

黄金的需求方不包括(  )。A.黄金加工商 B.购入或回收黄金的中央银行 C.打算出售黄金的集团 D.黄金投资者
