选择题:1.When people talk (1) the cities of the United St

1.When people talk (1) the cities of the United States, the first that comes to mind is New York. New York is the largest city in the United States. That is, it has the largest population, (2) about 8 million people. It is also one of the most important (3) in the world.
New York is the business headquarters of the country as well as its leading industrial center. In the downtown section of the city is Wall Street - where you find the world (4) New York Stock Exchange. It is said that over 90 percent of the stocks bought and sold in the United States are handled in the Wall Street area. Wall Street is not (5) the financial center of the whole nation, but also the heart and nerve center of American politics.

(1)( 1 )(4分)
A. with
B. about
C. only
D. cities
E. famous
(2)( 2 )(4分)
A. with
B. about
C. only
D. cities
E. famous
(3)( 3 )(4分)
A. with
B. about
C. only
D. cities
E. famous
(4)( 4 )(4分)
A. with
B. about
C. only
D. cities
E. famous
(5)( 5 )(4分)
A. with
B. about
C. only
D. cities
E. famous

16、 根据位移-时间曲线判断 ,当d2u/d2t<0时,表明围岩已进入危险状态。×√恭

16、 根据位移-时间曲线判断 ,当d2u/d2t×√恭


遇有松散、自稳差的围岩掘进时,采用 ()或 ()加固围岩的方法,以提高其自稳性。

遇有松散、自稳差的围岩掘进时,采用 ()或 ()加固围岩的方法,以提高其自稳性。
