选择题:Today’s heroes—some of them, anyway—tell us they e

Today’s heroes—some of them, anyway—tell us they enjoy their 1 . “And I 2 to myself at the men and the ladies. Who never 3 of us billion-dollar babies.” The 4
“culture hero” who 5 that is Alice Cooper.

If I said that being black is a greater 6 than being a woman, probably no one would 7

me. Why? Because “we all know” there is 8 against black people in America. That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still 9 nearly all men—and, I am afraid, most women—as 10 .

There is, however, another 11 possessed by the best work, which is even more important as a 12 of happiness than is the exercise of 13 . This is the element of constructiveness. In some work, though by no 14 in most, something is built up which remains as a 15 when

the work is completed.

My own state of mind, when I left Watts eight years ago to take up the 16 year at Whittier College, was 17 . It was to me less of a 18 ; it was the stepping off point of an Odyssey that was to take me through Whittier College and Oxford University, to Yale Law School, and back to Watts. I had 19 then, as now, to make Watts my 20 .

Well, it’s a good life and a good 21 , all said and 22 , if you don’t 23 , and if you know that the big wide world hasn’t 24 from you yet, no, not by a long way, though

1948年1月,在香港正式成立的中国民主党派是( )(本题1.0分) A、 中国民主同盟 B、 中

1948年1月,在香港正式成立的中国民主党派是( )(本题1.0分) A、 中国民主同盟 B、 中国农工民主党 C、 中国民主促进会 D、 中国国民党革命


根据我国《产品质量法》第41条的规定,生产者能够证明以下情况之一的,不承担赔偿责任:( )

根据我国《产品质量法》第41条的规定,生产者能够证明以下情况之一的,不承担赔偿责任:( )


若以 △v0、△v1 分别表示两刚性球作弹性对心碰撞过程中的接近速度和分离速度。则 △v0与 △v1

若以 △v0、△v1 分别表示两刚性球作弹性对心碰撞过程中的接近速度和分离速度。则 △v0与 △v1之间的关系为()。 A、△v0=△v1 B、△v0>△v



一质量为2kg的物体,以初速为10m/s竖直向上抛出,当运动到最高点时物体所受的冲量大小为()。 A、 18kgm/s B、 36kgm/s C、
