选择题:It is now two months (1)___

It is now two months (1)___

the new computer system was installed. Although many of you are following the procedures (2)___

you learnt at the initial training sessions on 21st and 22nd August, and are benefiting from the new system, a number of you appear to be unaware (3)___

how to operate the new system, causing serious problems.

The practice of not switching (4)___

the computers when you leave your office at the end of the day has led to computers not functioning the next morning. Please turn off the computers when you go home (5)___

the computer starts again the next day.

Misspelling of patients’ names has resulted in the duplication of records causing inaccuracy in patients’ data. The new system was supposed to make it almost (6)___

to double-book appointments. However, since its introduction, double-bookings have increased, (7)___

confusion and potentially dangerous situations. There may also be a problem that doctors miskey the data. Please check the patient’s name (8)___

the patient personally and with their computer record card, which they should take to reception when they arrive.

Finally, it seems that the reason (9)___

these problems is that many doctors did not attend their initial training sessions, or arrived late, and therefore were not fully trained in the new system. Consequently, further training days will take place during the next month which you should go to. Please remember (10)___

on time.


1. A. from B. when C. since D. after

2. A. what B. which C. when D. why

3. A. of B. from C. at D. in

4. A. away B. of C. from D. off

5. A. so that B. so as to C. such that D. such as

6. A. impossibility B. impossible C. unpossible D. unpossibility

7. A. leading to B. which leading to C. lead to D. to lead to

8. A. to B. at C. from D. with

9. A. to B. for C. at D. from

10. A. arriving B. arrived C. to arrive D. arrive


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