单选题:根据以下资料,回答题。  An employer has several choices he can consider

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
根据以下资料,回答题。   An employer has several choices he can consider when he wants to hire a new employee.First, he may look within his own company.But if none of the present employees are suitable for the position, he will have to look outside the company.If his company has a personnel office, he can ask them to help find qualified applicants.
  There are other valuable sources the employer can use, such as employment agencies, professional societies and so on.He can also advertise in the newspapers and magazines and ask prospective candidates to send in resumes.
  The employer has two kinds of qualifications to consider when he wants to choose from among applicants.He must consider both professional qualifications and personal characteristics.A candidate's professional qualifications include his education, experience and skills.These can be listed on a resume.Personal characteristics must be evaluated through interviews. This passage mainly tells us __. A. there are many applications looking for a job
B. how an employer hires his employees
C. employer hires a new employee within his company
D. employer can advertise in newspapers and magazines

I will leave him a note __ he'll know where we are.

I will leave him a note __ he'll know where we are.A.so that B.that C.in o


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1998~2007年,财政部发行了两次特别国债。(  )





下列有关盈亏平衡分析的说法中,正确的有(  )。

下列有关盈亏平衡分析的说法中,正确的有(  )。A.根据生产成本和销售收入与产销量之间是否为线性关系,盈亏平衡分析可分为线性盈亏平衡分析和非线性盈亏平衡分析
