单选题:根据下列文章,请回答题。Text 3Autonomous robots are able to move and dec

根据下列文章,请回答题。Text 3
Autonomous robots are able to move and decide by themselves. At a simple level, these can include robot Vacuum cleaners that "decide" what to react to human behaviors without human intervention.
The University of the West of England's David McGoran takes his Heart Robot on a touchy feely tour, allowing it to come face to face with a spider-like robot built by Matt Denton of Micromagic Systems. Both robots are being displayed at the London Science Museum until July 31st.
The heart robot that "enjoys" being hugged and stroked could be among the first robots to signify a new era of "emotional machines" used for medical treatment and enjoyment, according to one of its inventors.
It has a beating heart which rises when the body is shaken, but slows down when treated calmly. In addition, Heart's eyes flutter in response to touch.
David McGoran, of the University of the West of England, predicts the part-puppet, part-machine creation he helped develop is an example of how robots will increasingly adopt human characteristics. "Right now we're seeing the frist implementations in toys, "he told BBC News. "There are little robotic dinosaurs. There's a new robotic toy from the film Wall-E that's coming out, and that's a very expressive robot. " Never the less he believes there could be major implications for social care with research already taking place into giving elderly care homes robots that express emotions.
"This raises really interesting social and ethical questions," said Mr. McGoran. He added that there could be many benefits, particularly for people taking medical treatment. "If scientists can put this natural interface into robots then it would be much easier for us to relate to robots."
The Heart Robot is on display alongside a face-tracking insect-like robot. The "ic Hexapod" by Micromagic Systems has been programmed to recognize human facial features and follow people as they move around. It tracks human faces and takes photos. Like the Heart Robot, it is billed as an example of the increasingly sophisticated ways in which machines are able to recognize and mimic human behavior.Mr. McGoran went to London because_______. A.he wants to take his robot on a touchy feely tour
B.he wants to see Matt Denton
C.he wants to show the spider-like robot
D.heart robot will be displayed there

承包人应在索赔通知发出后的(  )天内,向工程师提出延长工期和(或)补偿经济损失的索赔报告及相关资料。

承包人应在索赔通知发出后的(  )天内,向工程师提出延长工期和(或)补偿经济损失的索赔报告及相关资料。 A.14 B.7 C.28 D.21


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according to the text, troubles in communication many result from___.A.a dosed B


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At first in the 1980s parents gave home-schooling to children for__________.A.be


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《证券公司风险处置条例》的基本原则是(  )。A.化解证券市场风险,保证证券市场交易正常运行,促进证券业健康发展 B.保护投资者合法权益和社会公共利益,维护社会


下列关于合同文件的表述,不正确的是(  )。

下列关于合同文件的表述,不正确的是(  )。 A.专用条款的内容比通用条款更明确、具体 B.合同文件中专用条款的解释优于通用条款 C.合同文件之间应能相互解释、
