选择题:2[简答题,20分] The Birth of Rock In some ways, the o

2[简答题,20分] The Birth of Rock In some ways, the origin of rock and roll can be traced to a rivalry between two economic organizations in the music industry: ASCAP and BMI. The American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) were formed in 1914 to guarantee that its members received a fee for the playing of their songs. ASCAP.right to collect this fee from the radio stations stood one court test after another.ASCAP charged each radio station a blanket amount to use its material. In 1941 it announced a 100 percent fee increase. Radio stations refused to go along, and as a result all songs protected by ASCAP were taken off the air. This included the work of many of the popular songwriters of the time and left radio stations with little music. The dispute was settled, at least temporarily, towards the end of 1941, but by that time radio stations had begun to rely on music provided by a new guild of composers. Broadcast Music, Incorporated (BMI), was formed to scout for fresh talent who could provide radio stations with music. This became increasingly important as more stations switched to the deejay format.BMI were looking for a new sound. The sound they found was rock and roll. By the mid1950.s BMI was a powerful force and so was the new sound. In 1956 the Anti-Trust Committee of the House Judiciary Committee investigated BMI.s domination of the recording i

某公司在期末编制了如下的会计分录,借:坏账准备5 000,贷:应收账款5 000,编制该笔会计分录的

某公司在期末编制了如下的会计分录,借:坏账准备5 000,贷:应收账款5 000,编制该笔会计分录的原因是( )。 A. 计提坏账准备 B. 冲销多提的坏账准



辩证法坚持用联系的、发展的观点看世界,认为发展的根本原因在于 A. 事物的外部矛盾 B. 事物的内部矛盾 C. 事物的内部矛盾与外部矛盾的结合 D. 矛盾的斗争


2.已知2阶行列式|a1b1,a2b2|=m,|b1c1,b2c2|=n,则|b1 a1+c1,b2

2.已知2阶行列式|a1b1,a2b2|=m,|b1c1,b2c2|=n,则|b1 a1+c1,b2 a2+c2|=( )A m-nB n-mC m+nD -(


一篇演讲稿中,( )是统帅全篇的灵A.主题B.开头C.中间D.结尾

一篇演讲稿中,( )是统帅全篇的灵A.主题B.开头C.中间D.结尾



