选择题:1.Do you know Edison wore many caps during his lif

1.Do you know Edison wore many caps during his life? First he was just a poor working boy. He wore work caps of many kinds. Later in life he became a famous inventor. Then he wore the caps of many famous schools and colleges. But his most important cap was his thinking cap.
When he was a young boy, Edison.s thinking cap saved his mother.s life. One night, she suddenly felt ill. A doctor was called in. He had to operate(做手术) on her at once, but there was not enough light in the room. Edison quickly put on his thinking cap. He got all the oil lights in the house and put them on a long table. Then he placed a big mirror behind them. At once the room was quite bright. The doctor could operate, and his mother was saved.

Edison was a thinking man. Yet, he was a working man and doing man, too. He was good with his hands and his head. Edison.s inventions have changed the world greatly. Today, big trains run on electricity. Electricity lights light up the streets of towns and villages. Science uses it every day.

Records, shining lights, moving pictures and ringing telephones are very common now. Edison.s thinking cap made them. Usually, caps keep the head warm. But thinking caps keep the world warm.

(1)The passage shows that Edison was very _____ when he was a young boy(4分)
A. clever
B. stupid
C. ill
D. warm
(2)Edison was the inventor of records, lights, moving pictures, and ______.(4分)
A. wheels
B. telephones
C. computers
D. caps
(3)When the doctor was to operate, the room was dark because there was no _____.(4分)
A. windows
B. caps
C. enough lights
D. fire
(4)The thinking cap in the passage probably refers to _____.(4分)
A. Edison.s gifts
B. a thick hat
C. a poor working boy
D. a schoolboy
(5)Which of the following is not true?_____(4分)
A. Edison was good with his hands and his head.
B. The doctor did not do very well in the operation.
C. Edison invented many things and changed the world greatly.
D. With Edison.s help, the doctor saved his mother.

适用于重点企业和重点项目支持的配送方式是( )

适用于重点企业和重点项目支持的配送方式是( ) A. 定时定量定点配送 B. 定时配送 C. 即时配送 D. 定量配送


幼儿对数的认识能不受物体的大小、形状、排列形式影响,正确认识10以内的数,这说明形成了( )A. 集

幼儿对数的认识能不受物体的大小、形状、排列形式影响,正确认识10以内的数,这说明形成了( )A. 集合概念B. 数概念C. 计数能力D. 数的守恒


围岩稳定状态判断标准包括三个方面:() 、位移速率、位移加速度。

围岩稳定状态判断标准包括三个方面:() 、位移速率、位移加速度。
