选择题:One of the main reasons why people worry about the

One of the main reasons why people worry about the future is that they ________.
A. do not know what the results of their actions will be
B. are incapable of analyzing the actions they should take
C. want to avoid problems they think they may meet
D. are aware of different possible consequences resulting from their actions
12. Solutions to worrying such as smoking, drinking and physical exercise ________.
A. are often satisfactory for a short time
B. make things worse if we are worried
C. do nothing to overcome anxiety
D. merely produce physical strain to cover up mental stress
13. What is said about the fear of death in the passage?
A. It depends on our religious beliefs.
B. It has no logical foundation.
C. It decreases as we get older.
D. It exists irrespective of age or beliefs.
14. The tendency to worry ________.
A. may be something we are born with
B. depends entirely on our experience
C. doesn’t vary much from one person to another
D. is a social or national characteristic
15. The proof of the relationship between anxiety and personality is that ________.
A. stress-inducing events become more frequent as we get older
B. breakdowns are due to constitutional factors
C. we inherit genes that may make us worry
D. people who have breakdowns usually show signs of stress when young

As a new journalist, I could not afford to lose th

As a new journalist, I could not afford to lose the chance to ________ Chris Cha



2、自然人是作为民事主体的一种,能否通过自己的行为取得民事权利、承担民事义务,取决于其是否具有( )能力。A.民事行为B.承担民事义务C.法律判断D.财


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