选择题:What are the beauties of Hawaii? Let’s start with

What are the beauties of Hawaii? Let’s start with four.
The beach, famous for its water temperature, air temperature and waves, is the first beauty. There are hundreds of miles of beaches on the twenty islands of Hawaii. They are thought to be among the finest beaches in the world.
Then, what do you think would be the second beautiful thing? It is volcanoes (火山), of course. These volcanoes are not just a part of the islands; they made the islands in the first place. Because of them the islands are still growing.
What would be the third thing of beauty that the first visitor to Hawaii would notice? It probably wouldn’t be just one thing, but many things: all the wonderful fruits and flowers of the islands. Sugar cane, bananas and pineapples are Hawaii’s biggest exports. Sugar cane has been growing in Hawaii for a thousand years. As for pineapples, the islands produce more than any other places in the world, which has made Dole Company the biggest fruit-packing company in the world.
The fourth and most beautiful thing about Hawaii is the people who live there. The Hawaiians never rush, and perhaps this is because they care more for human life than they care for the machine. There is an old Hawaiian law that a man can go to sleep in the middle of the road if he wants to. What makes the people of Hawaii so beautiful is their feeling about people. There are 64 different combinat


資料一:「……西元前2500年左右,印度河流域曾有高度的城市文明,城市的街道垂直相交,經過統一設計,經 學者考證,當時的文化樣樣以配合神意為主……」 資料二:「



