单选题:回答题:August 13th, 2008Dear Sirs,I am very happy to apply for

回答题: August 13th, 2008 Dear Sirs,
I am very happy to apply for the position of secretary, which you advertised in China Daily of August 11, 2008.
I have been working as a secretary at a college office. Because I am the only secretary in the office, it is necessary for me to work quickly and efficiently and to be flexible in my daily work.
Professors value my work and my ability to meet their needs.
Although I am happy now, I feel that my promotion (晋升) is limited here, and I would like to have a more challenging job. Therefore, I enrolled ( 参加 ) in a program to expand my know-ledge of international business affairs. Now, both my English and Chinese have been improved and I am ready to begin working as a bilingual secretary in an international company like yours, and I believe I can be a great help to your firm.
The enclosed resume gives further details of my qualifications, and I would appreciate it if you could give me an opportunity to have an interview. I am looking forward to receiving your call at 62428866 or please use the enclosed pre-paid postcard to send me your reply.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Faithfully Yours, Mary Lee The writer wants to change her job because A.she has difficulties handling her daily work efficiently
B.she can hardly get a chance to be promoted
C.she finds her present job too challenging
D.she is tired of her duties at the college


What happened to the shop in one month?

What happened to the shop in one month?A.The shop was on fire twice. B.The shop


有以下程序: #include<stdio.h>int f(int t[],int n); main(  ){int

有以下程序: #includeint f(int t[],int n); main(  ){int a[4]={1,2,3,4}


有以下程序: #include<stdio.h>#define N 8void fun(int*x,int i){*x

有以下程序: #include#define N 8void fun(int*x,int i){*x=*(x+i);)main(


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设有定义"double a[10],*s=a;",以下能够代表数组元素a[3]的是(  )。 A.(*s)[3] B.*(s+3) C.*s[3] D.*s+3


供电的主要指标有(  )指标。

供电的主要指标有(  )指标。A.电压 B.频率 C.负荷 D.可靠性 E.电路电阻
