单选题:Passage FourUnless you have visited the southern United Stat

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
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Passage Four
Unless you have visited the southern United States, you probably have never heard of kudzu. Kudzu, as any southern farmer will sadly tell you, is a super-powered weed. It is a strong climbing vine. Once it gets started, kudzu is almost impossible to stop. It climbs to the tops of the tallest trees. It can cover large buildings. Whole barns and farm houses have been known to disappear from view. It has even been said to engulf small, slow-moving children, but that is probably an exaggeration. Still, wherever it grows, its thick, twisting vines are hard to remove.
Kudzu was once thought to be a helpful plant. Originally found in Asia, it was brought to America to help fight erosion. It was planted where its tough roots, which grow up to five feet long, could help hold back the soil. But the plant soon spread to places where it wasn't wanted. Farmers now have to fight to keep it from eating up all the nutrients in the soil and killing other plants. It has become a sign of unemployment in the South; where there is no one to work the fields, kudzu soon takes over.
The northern United States faces no threat from kudzu. Harsh winters kill off its vines. It loves the warmth of the South. But the South surely doesn't love it. If someone could invent some use for kudzu, and take it off southern farmers' lands, their fortune would be assured. This passage is mostly concerned with_ A. kudzu
B. farming
C. the South
D. soil erosion




入境的展览物品,经检疫不合格又无有效处理方法的,应在展览结束后,在检验检疫机构的监督下作退运或销毁处理。( )

入境的展览物品,经检疫不合格又无有效处理方法的,应在展览结束后,在检验检疫机构的监督下作退运或销毁处理。( )


下列工程造价指数中,适合采用平均数指数形式表示的是(  )。

下列工程造价指数中,适合采用平均数指数形式表示的是(  )。 A.设备、工器具价格指数 B.建筑安装工程造价指数 C.单项工程造价指数 D.建设项目造价





对于承租人来说,设备租赁与设备购买相比优越性在(  )。

对于承租人来说,设备租赁与设备购买相比优越性在(  )。A.可获得良好的技术服务 B.可以保持资金的流动状态 C.可避免通货膨胀和利率波动的冲击 D.在
