选择题:Generation N is also challenging society’s traditi

Generation N is also challenging society’s traditional ideas about love, marriage and children. Researchers ____(1)_____that Gen N’s are more individualistic. They want their own personal space and freedom. This is resulting ____(2)_____many people choosing to marry later, or not at all. One marketing and research company discovered the ____(3)_____ attitude among Gen N’s: There’s no need to marry if you can lead a happy and independent life ____(4)_____ . For those ____(5)_____ do marry, they’re waiting until they’re older. They’re also choosing to have children later. Many Gen N’s come ____(6)_____ homes where both parents work. This has made them the generation with more disposable income than any other. And marketers haven’t lost _____(7)____ of this fact. These days, ____(8)_____from cell phones to credit cards is marketed directly toward Generation N. As a group, they enthusiastically welcome rapidly changing technology. And they eagerly buy and use the newest products. Unfortunately, Gen N’s also have a great willingness to buy on credit. They worry ____(9)_____ about going ____(10)_____ debt than previous generations.

11. 下列因素中,与无粘性土的土坡稳定性相关的因素是( )(本题3.0分) A、 滑动圆弧位置 B

11. 下列因素中,与无粘性土的土坡稳定性相关的因素是( )(本题3.0分) A、 滑动圆弧位置 B、 土的重度 C、 土坡的坡高 D、 土坡的坡角


23. (填空题) 砌体中挑梁的抗倾覆应按公式___进行验算。其中挑梁抗倾覆力矩的计算公式是____

23. (填空题) 砌体中挑梁的抗倾覆应按公式___进行验算。其中挑梁抗倾覆力矩的计算公式是____,抗倾覆荷载包括挑梁尾端上部45°扩散的阴影范围内本层的砌体


29. (多选题) 现浇板配置双层钢筋时,在结构平面图中上层钢筋的弯钩应()。(本题3.0分) A、

29. (多选题) 现浇板配置双层钢筋时,在结构平面图中上层钢筋的弯钩应()。(本题3.0分) A、 向上 B、 向下 C、 向右 D、 向左 E、 向前


10. 土体剪切破坏时实际破裂面与大主应力作用面的夹角为( )(本题3.0分) A、 45°+ φ/

10. 土体剪切破坏时实际破裂面与大主应力作用面的夹角为( )(本题3.0分) A、 45°+ φ/2 B、 45°- φ/2 C、 450 D、 φ


1.直流电桥同一桥臂增加应变片数时,电桥灵敏度将( )。A.增大 B.减少 C.不变 D.

1.直流电桥同一桥臂增加应变片数时,电桥灵敏度将( )。A.增大 B.减少 C.不变 D.变化不定
