填空题:根据以下内容,回答问题。China’s interest in pharmaceutical R&D is part

  • 题目分类:英语四级
  • 题目类型:填空题
  • 查看权限:VIP
China’s interest in pharmaceutical R&D is part of a larger global movement where countries like India,Brazil and China have(26)__________increased their production of vaccines and other medical therapeutics.The opportunity to reduce costs and increase access were two of the drivers behind in-country production as(27)__________relying on Western pharmaceutical firms.
Investment in biomedicine research and,development is(28) __________and growing:A recent study in The New England Journal of Medicine estimated that China(29)__________$160 billion to biomedical R&D in 2012.And that number is likely to go up:From 2007 to 2012,China increased(30)__________in biomedicine research by about 33 percenl-evay year.
Civelli,the researcher of the recent study,was amazed by DICP’s labs and equipment.”They have decided to push science at any price,”he says.“Thcy are supposed much beRer than we are.They have machines they say they have to(3 1)__________afer three years.”
For China it’s a(32)__________situation:homegrown drugs developed out oflocally sourced plants(33)__________the unique health issues of its people-that can also be sold globally for massive profits.
Foreign entities see the(34)__________,too.Novartis,for example,has invested over$1 billion in an R&D center in Shanghai;it is one of many Big Pharma companies building in what is fast becoming one of the world’s meccas for drug development.Nonprofits aren’t immune to the siren call of TCM either:The World Health Organization has established nine Collaborating Centers for(35)__________Medicine in ChinA.

在实验室中欲制取H2、Cl2、CH4、O2、CO2、C2H4气体,其中可用图8—10所示装置收集的气体是 .

在实验室中欲制取H2、Cl2、CH4、O2、CO2、C2H4气体,其中可用图8—10所示装置收集的气体是 .


两段导线AB=BC=0.1 m,在日处连接成60°角.使导线ABC在匀强磁场中匀速运动.已知导线运动的速度ν=1.5 m

两段导线AB=BC=0.1 m,在日处连接成60°角.使导线ABC在匀强磁场中匀速运动.已知导线运动的速度ν=1.5 m/s,运动方向垂直于AB,如图8—8所示



现有NH4X、NH4Y、NH4Z三种盐溶液,已知NH4X溶液呈酸性,NH4Y溶液呈中性,NH4Z溶液呈碱性,由此可知三种酸HX、HY、HZ酸性强弱的顺序是 .


铜片与锌片相互连接后浸入稀H2SO4中构成原电池,工作一段时间后,锌片的质量减少了3.25 g,铜片表面应有 L(标准

铜片与锌片相互连接后浸入稀H2SO4中构成原电池,工作一段时间后,锌片的质量减少了3.25 g,铜片表面应有 L(标准状况下)氢气析出.


下列不适用《中华人民共和国教育法》的主体是(  )

下列不适用《中华人民共和国教育法》的主体是(  )A.特殊教育儿童 B.少数民族儿童 C.孤儿 D.留学生
