简答题:听材料,回答下列问题: Every year, IBM Corporation chooses five new te

  • 题目分类:英语六级
  • 题目类型:简答题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Every year, IBM Corporation chooses five new technologies it believes will change the world within the next five years. The IBM list is called "Five in Five." The company says it ____26____ its own research and the new directions of society and business when identifying the technologies.
This year, the list describes some future devices that will extend our five senses. Imagine ____27____ clothes online and touching your computer or smartphone to feel the cloth. IBM Vice President Bernie Meyerson predicts that technology could be ____28____ in the next five years.
Touch is just one of the senses that computers will help to____29____IBM says smart machines will soon be able to____30____the environment and give us information about the sounds they hear. For example, Bernie Meyerson says an____31____speech recognition system will tell new parents why their baby is crying and smart machines will also help identify medical conditions. If you____32____on your computer or cell phone, the machine will study____33____molecules in your breath. Then it can tell you whether you need to see a doctor.
In the near future, built-in cameras in our personal computers will be able to examine and name colors and recognize images. Mr. Meyerson says IBM scientists are also developing a computer system that can examine and____34____food molecules to create the most popular flavors and smells. Mark Maloof is a computer science professor at Georgetown University. He says he hopes the progress that IBM is____35____will lead more students to create future inventions. Professor Maloof says advances in computer technology will make what now seems like science fiction a part of our everyday lives.
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龙新公司是拥有进出口经营权的外资生产企业(一般纳税人),2013年5月经济业务如下: (1)内销甲产品取得不含税收入2000万元,价外费用339万元;外购A材


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