选择题:With regard to fixed and floating interest rates, which of the following statements are correct?

With regard to fixed and floating interest rates, which of the following statements are correct?
A.Borrowing at a fixed rate is better for budget execution and decision making.
B.Floating rate is usually calculated based on the base rate.
C.Since the interest rate is agreed at the beginning of the period, there is no risk in borrowing at a fixed interest rate.
D.When the market interest rate fluctuates greatly, banks prefer to lend at a fixed rate.
E.A floating rate is an interest rate that is subject to change at any time.
E.The fixed interest rate is fixed for both parties, so it is a better way to contract interest rates than the floating rate.

The classical “real interest rate theory” believes that interest rates are determined by the supply and demand of money.

The classical “real interest rate theory” believes that interest rates are determined by the supply and demand of money.这是一个关于货币金融经济学 中国大学MOOC货币金融经济学的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,The classical “real interest rate theory” believes that interest rates are determined by the supply and demand of money.A.正确B.错误正确答案:错误


Compared with simple interest, compound interest is a more reasonable method of interest calculation.

Compared with simple interest, compound interest is a more reasonable method of interest calculation.这是一个关于货币金融经济学 中国大学MOOC货币金融经济学的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,Compared with simple interest, compound interest is a more reasonable method of interest calculation.A.正确B.错误正确答案:正确



其他项目费中的暂列金额由()根据工程特点,按有关计价规定估算,施工过程中由()掌握使用、扣除合同价款调整后如有余额,归建设单位。 A.建设单位;建设单位 B.建设单位;设计单位 C.建设单位;监理单位 D.建设单位;施工单位


在FIDIC合同条件下,承包商应提交(  ),说明:①根据合同应完成的所有工作的价值;②承包商认为根据合同或其他规定应支付给他的任何其他款额。

在FIDIC合同条件下,承包商应提交(  ),说明:①根据合同应完成的所有工作的价值;②承包商认为根据合同或其他规定应支付给他的任何其他款额。A.竣工报表 B.履约证书 C.最终付款证书 D.最终报表草案并附证明文件



根据《建设工程监理规范》GB/T50319--2013的规定,工程监理单位要依据法律法规、工程建设标准、勘察设计文件及合同,在施工阶段对建设工程进行()。 A.投资控制 B.材料控制 C.造价控制 D.设计控制
