
Few men have influenced the development of American English to the extent that Noah Webster did.After a short career in law,he turned to teaching,but he discovered how inadequate the available schoolbooks were for the children of a new and independent nation.
In response to the need for truly American textbooks,Webster published A Grammatical Institute of the English Language,a three-volume work that consisted of a speller,a grammar,and a reader.The first volume,which was generally known as The American Spelling Book,was so popular that eventually it sold more than 80 million copies and provided him with a considerable income for the rest of his life.Can you imagine that?
Anyway,in 1807,Noah Webster began his greatest work,An American Dictionary of the English Language.In preparing the manuscript,he devoted ten years to the study of English and its relationship to other languages,and seven more years to the writing itself. Published in two volumes in 1828,An American Dictionary of the English Language has become the recognized authority for usage in the United States.Webster's purpose in writing it was to demonstrate that the American language was developing distinct meanings,pronunciations,and spellings from those of British English. He is responsible for advancing many of the simplified spelling forms that distinguish American English from British.
Webster was the first author to gain copyright protection in the United States by being awarded a copyright for The American Spelling Book and he continued to lobby over the next fifty years for the protection of intellectual properties,that is,for author's rights.By the time that Webster brought out the second edition of his dictionary,which included 70,000 entries instead of the original 38,000, the name Webster had become synonymous with American dictionaries.It was this second edition that served as the basis for the many revisions that have been produced by others, ironically,under the uncopyrighted Webster name.
Webster's purpose in writing An American Dictionary of the English Language is to prove that American English was superior to British English.
C:Not mentioned


共用题干 Chest Compressions:Most Important of CPRCardiopulmonary resuscitation,or CPR,can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped .The condition is called cardiac arrest. The heart stops pumping blood. The person stops breathing. Without lifesaving



措施项目清单的编制除了工程本身的因素外,还要考虑( )。 A、施工企业的实际情况 B、环境和安全 C、水文和气象 D、人文和资金






《标准施工招标文件》中,下列( )可对工期、费用、利润进行索赔。 A、承包人遇到不利物质条件 B、发包人要求承包人提前竣工 C、发包人提供的材料和工程设备不符合合同要求 D、异常恶劣的气候条件 E、发包人的原因造成工期延误


Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.

Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.A:shows B:dictates C:proves D:discovers
