填空题:根据听力,回答题:Complaining aboulic faulty goods or bad service is

  • 题目分类:英语四级
  • 题目类型:填空题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Complaining aboulic faulty goods or bad service is never easy.If something you have bought is faulty,you are actually not 26 to get it。put fight.It is the shopkeeper’s responsibility to take the complaint seriously and to 27 or repair a faulty article,because he is the person with whom you have 28
On the other hand.the manufacturer may have a.part to play but that comes later.Complaints should be made to a 29 person.Go back to that,shop,taking with you any 30 you may have.Ask to see the buyer in a large store.In a small store,the 31 may also be the owner,so you can complain direct.In a chain store ask:to see the manager.If you telephone,ask the name of the person who 32 your inquiry.Otherwise,you may never find out who dealt with the complaint later.Even the bravest person finds it difficult to stand up in a group of people to complain.Write a letter and 33 when you don't want to do it in person.At this stage you should give any receipt numbers,but you should not need to give receipts or other papers to 34 you bought the article.If you are not satisfied with the answer you get,or if you do not get a __35__ ,write to the director.Be sure to keep copies of your own letters and any that you receive.


基础的埋置深度,跟下列(  )条件有关。

基础的埋置深度,跟下列(  )条件有关。 A.有无地下室、地下设施,基础的形式和构造 B.施工单位的技术能力 C.作用在地基上的荷载大小和性质 D.工程、水文地


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湖南省的气候区域属于( )。 A.严寒、寒冷地区 B.夏热冬冷地区 C.夏热冬暖地区 D.夏不热冬不暖地区


在下列支护结构中,属于非重力式支护结构的是( )。

在下列支护结构中,属于非重力式支护结构的是( )。 A.水泥旋喷桩 B.土钉墙 C.深层搅拌水泥土桩 D.地下连续墙



某班组织同学订阅学习资料,有报纸和试卷两种,定价均为整数。报纸比试卷定价少3元.订报纸的比订试卷的少9人,订试卷共花去55元,问订报纸共花去多少钱?A.4 B.


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1.目前,一些城市开始推行垃圾分类2.垃圾分类的重要性3.为此.我们应该……The Importance of Waste Sorting_______
