单选题:根据以下内容回答题,About 35% of all high school graduates in America

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
About 35% of all high school graduates in America continue their education in an institution of higher learning. The word college is used to refer to either a college or a university. These institutions offer four-year programs that lead to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor Science (B.S.) degree. Some students attend a junior college (providing only a two-year program) for one to two years before entering a four-year college as a sophomore (二年级生) or junior (三年级生).
It is generally easier to be accepted at a state university than at a private one. Most private schools require strict entrance examinations and a high grade point average (GPA), as well as specific college prep classes in high school. Private schools cost considerably more than state colleges and famous private schools are very expensive. Poorer students can sometimes attend, however, by earning scholarships. Some college graduates go on to earn advanced masters or doctoral degrees in grad (graduate) school. Occupations in certain fields such as law or medicine require such advanced studies.
Since college costs are very high, most students work at part-time jobs. Some have full-time jobs and go to school part-time. Often some will take five or more years to complete a four-year program because of money / job demands on their time.
While the college and work demands take up the great part of a student's time, most still enjoy social activities. Sports, dances, clubs, movies, and plays are all very popular. However, gathering together for long, philosophical talks at a favorite meeting place on or near the university is probably the most popular activity.
College education is _______ in America. A.quite common
B.very rare
C.something difficult
D.almost impossible


I suppose they have known about it, _______?

I suppose they have known about it, _______? A.am I B.am not I C.have they D.hav


按预算编制依据的内容和方法分类,政府预算可以为(  )。

按预算编制依据的内容和方法分类,政府预算可以为(  )。A.中央预算 B.增量预算 C.地方预算 D.零基预算 E.年度预算


政府预算必须包括政府所有财政收入和支出的内容,这体现了政府预算的(  )原则要求。

政府预算必须包括政府所有财政收入和支出的内容,这体现了政府预算的(  )原则要求。A.统一性 B.完整性 C.公开性 D.年度性


我国流转税具有的特点有(  )。

我国流转税具有的特点有(  )。A.课征普遍 B.以流转额或交易额为计税依据 C.属于直接税 D.计算简单,便于征收管理 E.税负不易转嫁


按照课税对象的不同,我国的课税对象可以划分为(  )。

按照课税对象的不同,我国的课税对象可以划分为(  )。A.流转税 B.所得税 C.房产价值 D.企业所得税 E.财产税
