选择题:9[阅读题,10分] The UK is extremely dependent on foreig

9[阅读题,10分] The UK is extremely dependent on foreign trade. About 40 per cent of the population’s food and a large proportion of the raw materials used by industry have to be imported. In 1980 exports of goods and services were equal to about 25 per cent of the Gross National Product. In the exports of manufactures, the UK, in recent years, has done less well than her major competitors. The UK’s share of the value of the main manufacturing countries’ exports fell from 16 percent in 1980 to about 9 per cent in 1999. This was due to the fact that the volume of UK exports increased at an annual average rate of 5 per cent, only about one-half the rate achieved by the main manufacturing countries as a whole and about one-third the rate for Japan. Changes in the commodity composition of exports have been very small in recent years. The share of manufactured goods has increased slightly while the share of basic materials has declined. There has been a steady decline in the share of textiles and an increase in the share of chemicals in total exports. Over the next decade the possibility of exporting North Sea Oil and the diminishing dependence on imported oil should have a beneficial effect on the UK’s visible trade balance. The most striking change in the geographical distribution of UK exports in recent years has been the swing away from the traditional Commonwealth markets and a grow

4.国标“工程岩体分级标准”岩体基本质量分级因素是( )。(A)主要结构面产状、地下水 (B)高

4.国标“工程岩体分级标准”岩体基本质量分级因素是( )。(A)主要结构面产状、地下水 (B)高初始应力、地下水(C)岩石单轴饱和抗压强度、岩体完整性指数(


10.岩石受力后表现为何种形式的破坏主要取决于( )。(A)岩石自身性质 (B)岩石赋存环境 (

10.岩石受力后表现为何种形式的破坏主要取决于( )。(A)岩石自身性质 (B)岩石赋存环境 (C)大主应力 (D)围压


13.岩石按风化程度,力学性质由差到好的顺序是( )。(A)残积土,全风化,中等风化,强风化,微风

13.岩石按风化程度,力学性质由差到好的顺序是( )。(A)残积土,全风化,中等风化,强风化,微风化(B)微风化,中等风化,强风化,全风化,残积土(C)残积土


下列五种物质中,人体在正常情况下首先利用的供能物质是( )。(本题1.0分)A、 蛋白质B、 脂肪C

下列五种物质中,人体在正常情况下首先利用的供能物质是( )。(本题1.0分)A、 蛋白质B、 脂肪C、 糖D、 核酸E、 磷脂
