a typical western girl's response to the compliment "you look beautiful in this blue dress

a typical western girl's response to the compliment "you look beautiful in this blue dress." would be "_________".


"how did you do on the test?" "i think i passed, but i won't know until tomorrow

"how did you do on the test?" "i think i passed, but i won't know until tomorrow. i'm keeping my fingers crossed!"().


to her, translating from french to dutch is ________.

to her, translating from french to dutch is ________.


the english equivalent for the chinese phrase "吹牛" will be _____.

the english equivalent for the chinese phrase "吹牛" will be _____.


there seems to be growing evidence to suggest that women and men do pursue different _______ style.

there seems to be growing evidence to suggest that women and men do pursue different _______ style.
