选择题:grammar pratice is usually dividied into two categories:_________________.

A、mechanical drilling and meaningful drilling

B、mechanical practice and meaningful practice

C、meaningful drilling and communcative drilling

D、meaningful practice and communicative practice


there are many situations in which we use more than one language skill, so it is valuable to integra

there are many situations in which we use more than one language skill, so it is valuable to integrate the four skills to _________.


the ultimate goal of learning a foreign language in a grammar-translation classroom is to enable the

the ultimate goal of learning a foreign language in a grammar-translation classroom is to enable the students to _____ its literature.


the change from sentence to discourse is the change from learning language _________ to __________.

the change from sentence to discourse is the change from learning language _________ to __________.


which of the following activities is least communicative______.

which of the following activities is least communicative______.


because no textbooks are written for any particular class, it is _____ for teachers to adapt materia

because no textbooks are written for any particular class, it is _____ for teachers to adapt materials.
