选择题:In America, each person is expected to make decisi

In America, each person is expected to make decisions for himself or herself about
all aspects of life—education, career and home. The family usually has much 21
_influence on the behavior of any member than is generally true in China. Children are
encouraged from an early age to be self-reliant—taking 22 of their clothes and
bedrooms—and to begin 23 for themselves and even learning to manage their own
It is another American 24 to place great importance on privacy. Many
Americans believe that everyone needs some private time to be 25 and think one’s
private thoughts. This account 26 the fact that everyone will defend their own 27
at one time or another. To show their respect for the 28 of a child, parents usually will
not be 29 on a child’s private matters. This 30 applies to all aspects of life,
including the family and social relations.
21) A. much B. more C. little D. less
22) A. away B. part C. care D. clean
23) A. think B. thinking C. work D. working
24) A. law B. regulation C. ideal D. pattern
25)A. alone B. asleep C. aloof D. alive
26)A. for B. of C. as D. to
27)A. belongs B. money C. territory D. bedroom
28)A. interests B. habits C. hobbies D. personality
29)A. curious B. indifferent C. involved D. intrusive
30)A. principal B. principle C. participation D. practicality

学生是发展中的人,是指( )A. 学生具有与成人不同的身心特点B. 学生具有发展的潜在可能C. 学生

学生是发展中的人,是指( )A. 学生具有与成人不同的身心特点B. 学生具有发展的潜在可能C. 学生是一个完整的人D. 学生具有获得成人教育关怀的需要。


能引起疾病并赋予其特征性、决定其特异性的因素称为:(本题2.5分) A、 疾病的原因 B、 疾病的条

能引起疾病并赋予其特征性、决定其特异性的因素称为:(本题2.5分) A、 疾病的原因 B、 疾病的条件 C、 疾病的诱因 D、 疾病的内因 E、 疾病的外因


下列哪项属于肾功能不全的衰竭期..j(本题2.5分)A、 GFR>50ml/min,Cr>445um

下列哪项属于肾功能不全的衰竭期..j(本题2.5分)A、 GFR>50ml/min,Cr>445umol/L joxue.B、 GFR25~50ml/min,C





16、中华民族的优良道德传统,一般来说,是指以伦理道德为主要内容并包括 ( )等传统伦理道思想的精华

16、中华民族的优良道德传统,一般来说,是指以伦理道德为主要内容并包括 ( )等传统伦理道思想的精华。 A、儒家;墨家、道家和法家; B、墨家;儒家、道家和法家
