选择题:高中英语?词汇一、考题回顾题目来源1月5日 下午 太原市 面试考题试讲题目1.题目:2.内容:I am always the first one to get to the office. Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day.Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters.By around eight o'clock,I usually find some

  • 题目分类:教师资格
  • 题目类型:选择题
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题目来源1月5日 下午 太原市 面试考题
I am always the first one to get to the office. Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day.Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters.By around eight o'clock,I usually find some time to do my own paperwork and answer some personal e-mail.
答辩题目What will you do if students can’t understand the words you explain?
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students are able to master the meaning and the usage of underlined words and know the relative words and phrases:get to, take up, be filled with,arrive in/at, occupy,occupation,be full of
Ability aims:
(1) Students can guess the meaning of new words and phrases while reading
(2)After this lesson, students can learn how to use these and relative words and phrases to describe their daily life.
Emotional aim:
Students are able to love learning English after this lesson.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: master the meaning and the usage of new words and phrases :get to, take up, be filled with,arrive in/at, occupy,occupation,be full of
Difficult Point: understand the meaning of the new words and phrases and use them in their daily life.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a video about a person who is busy with his work life and ask students several questions:
What can you see from this video?
Can you describe information in detail using your own language?
Step 2: Presentation
1. Present the paragraph on the PPT. And then ask students to read this passage to guess the meaning of underlined words and phrases. Give students 5 minutes to discuss in the group. And Invite students to give the answers.
2.Then paraphrase these words in English using the pictures. For example, get to means arrive in/at or reach. If something takes up a particular amount of time, space, or effort, it uses that amount. At the same time, present a picture with a man coming the office through the door.
3. Besides introduce the relative phrases, such as take over, take on, take in and so on.
Step 3: Practice
1.Make sentences: ask students to make sentences using the new words. Then correct the grammar mistakes and give the positive feedbacks.
2.Make up a new story: Give students several pictures in disorder and ask them to describe these pictures using the sentences which concludes the new words that have just learnt. Then rank these sentences into a new story. Give students 5 minutes to discuss with their deskmates and then invite several students to share their stories.
Step4: Production
1. Discussion: Ask students to use the words and expressions learnt to describe their daily life with their partner. After 5 minutes, invite several students to share their daily life.
2. Survey: Ask students to make a survey about your classmates’ daily life using three questions in the group. Four person in one group and finish the chart in 10 minutes.Then invite the representatives to make a report for the whole class.

1.What will you do if students can’t understand the words you explain?
2. Do you have the experience in teaching?


A.抢救重危患者生命而采取紧急医疗措施造成不良后果 B.造成患者轻度残疾、器官组织损伤导致一般功能障碍 C.造成患者中度残疾、器官组织损伤导致严重功能障碍 D.造成患者明显人身损害的其他后果 E.造成患者死亡、重度残疾根据对患者人身造成的损害程度,医疗事故分为四级,三级医疗事故是指( )



骑跨伤致尿道损伤的部位是A.前列腺部 B.膜部 C.球部 D.阴茎部 E.尿道全部






男,37岁。因长期工作紧张,而且不能一日三餐按时吃饭,造成胃溃疡,他应服的最好药物是A、氢氧化镁 B、法莫替丁 C、异丙嗪 D、特非那定 E、阿司咪唑



《医疗机构管理条例》规定的医疗机构执业规则是A、符合医疗机构的基本标准 B、按照核准登记的诊疗科目开展诊疗活动 C、符合区域医疗机构设置规划 D、能够独立承担民事责任 E、可进行执业登记
