填空题:Dear Sirs, We welcome your enquiry of April and thank you f

Dear Sirs,
We welcome your enquiry of April and thank you for your interest in our hats and caps.
As you may be well aware, we are a state-run corporation handing this line of business for many years. So we are in the good position to serve our customers with the most reliable quality of the line you suggested.
We can make products according to the given design and produce the designed goods in large quantities.
We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue giving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover we are sending you a full range of samples. When you have a chance to examine them, we feel confident that you will agree that the quality of material used and the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers.
We hope the catalogue and samples will reach you in good time and look forward to your order.
 Yours sincerely,
What is the letter about?
The order of______________________

With a car people can go___________easily.

With a car people can go___________easily.A.anywhere B.to anyplace C.to anywhe


"A nation on wheels" means that___________

"A nation on wheels" means that___________A.the country is producing the best ca


Her mother was ill. She had to (stay)___________at home to l

Her mother was ill. She had to (stay)___________at home to look after her.


某商贸公司(一般纳税人)2013年2月份发生下列业务。 (1)销售粮、油、糖及食品给一般纳税人,专用发票上列明的销售额为

某商贸公司(一般纳税人)2013年2月份发生下列业务。 (1)销售粮、油、糖及食品给一般纳税人,专用发票上列明的销售额为560万元,其中:粮食150万元,植物



