选择题:To teach students writing effectively, teachers may guide students through th...


To teach students writing effectively, teachers may guide students through the writing process as follows: ① mapping② editing ③outlining ④ brainstorming⑤free writing⑥drafting

A. ①④③⑤⑥② B. ④③⑤①⑥② C. ④ ①⑤③⑥② D. ③①④⑥⑤②


Passage 2Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it ...

Passage 2Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it ...


Passage 1Results showed that at least a tenth of the Harvard first-year und...

Passage 1Results showed that at least a tenth of the Harvard first-year und...


Which of the following features is not involved in good textbooks?A. Textbooks s

Which of the following features is not involved in good textbooks?A. Textbooks s


To assess how well a student is performing relative to his or her own previou...

To assess how well a student is performing relative to his or her own previou...
