职业资格题库:The road to controlling population growth

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  • 题目类型:职业资格题库
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The road to controlling population growth in the 20th century was paved with good intentions and unpleasant policies that did not work, a new book argues an historian who grew up as the youngest of eight children might well be expected to approach the question of whether the world is overpopulated from an unusual angle. Matthew Connelly, a professor at Columbia University, dedicates his study of those who thought the planet had too many people and tried to do something about it to his parents, "for having so many children".

Yet, he assures the reader, it Was not his personal experience of large families that drew him to the subject. Mr. Connelly’s mentor, Paul Kennedy of Yale University, believed it was necessary to look beyond great-power rivalries to understand the post-cold-war era. In 1994 the pair wrote an article for Atlantic Mouthly arguing that population growth in poor countries, increasing awareness of global economic inequality and the prospect of mass migration could lead to clashes between the West and "the rest".

When, years later, Mr. Connelly began his own book on population growth, he still thought of the topic as a way to offer a broader understanding of world security. He ended up writing a very different-and angry-book, one about people who looked at the human race reproducing itself and saw what a gardener sees when looking at a prize plant: something to be encouraged to bloom in some places and pruned in others.

As the world population soared, the population controllers came to believe they were fighting a war, and there would be collateral damage. Millions of devices were exported to poor countries although they were known to cause infections and sterility. "Perhaps the individual patient is expendable in the general scheme of things," said a participant at a conference on the devices organized in 1962 by the Population Council, a research institute founded by John [D] Rockefeller, "particularly if the infection she acquires is sterilizing but not lethal. "

Furthermore, statistical estimates suggest that as much as 90% of the reason that women have families of a particular size is simply because that is the number of children they want. Where women gained education and rights, birth rates fell. As with reproduction itself, for people to become less fruitful, desire must precede performance.

Which one of the following is NOT true about Matthew Connelly()

A. He is the youngest of 8 children in the family and grew up to be an historian

B. He is expected to address the population problem from a different perspective

C. His personal experience of large families is the reason why he wants to do research in population

D. He wants to dedicate his research to his parents



要建立( ),通过治安信息的收集与分析,不断提高对治安危害的预见性,加强超前控制。A.安全防范制度B.预警制度C.治安联防制度D.社区警务



将连续不断的经营过程,人为地划分为若干相等的时段,分段进行结算,分段编制财务会计报告,分段反映单位的财务状况和经营成果,这种分段进行会计核算的时间称为 ( )。A.会计期间B.会计时效C.会计年度D.



积极的情绪和情感可以调节和促进活动,消极的情绪和情感则可破坏和瓦解活动,这是情绪和情感的什么功能( )A.组织功能B.信号功能C.动机功能D.适应功能



科目汇总表账务处理程序与记账凭证账务处理程序一样,都是根据各种记账凭证登记总分类账。 ( )



