Babesia gibsoni can be transmitted through the tick egg.

Babesia gibsoni can be transmitted through the tick egg.A.正确B.错误


物体厚度越大,X射线的穿透本领越 。(请填写大或者小)The greater the thickness of the

物体厚度越大,X射线的穿透本领越 。(请填写大或者小)The greater the thickness of the object, the the X-ray penetration power.


Conflicts between the i() people and settlers are inevitable

Conflicts between the i() people and settlers are inevitable. (aboriginal, home-grown)


She was portrayed in the papers as the e() of evil. (someone

She was portrayed in the papers as the e() of evil. (someone or something that represents a quality


The children, released from the o() they owed to the father,

The children, released from the o() they owed to the father, and the father, released from the care
