单选题:Black boxes,_____to record flightdata together with pilots'..

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  • 题目类型:单选题
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Black boxes,_____to record flightdata together with pilots' conversation and noises from theaircraft,
are important for people to find out the cause of an aircrash. [ ] A. design
B. designing
C. designed
D. were designed

_____at Taiwanmagician Liu Qian's magic show, many students..

_____at Taiwanmagician Liu Qian's magic show, many students have fallen inlove with the art.[ ]A. AmazingB. AmazedC. Being amazedD.To amaze


The Chinese film, ___ the Tang Dynasty, is well received by ..

The Chinese film, ___ the Tang Dynasty, is well received by many foreign viewers.[ ]A. is set inB. setting in C. set in D. having set in


______by curiosity,the detective wondered why Chris phoned h..

______by curiosity,the detective wondered why Chris phoned her.[ ]A. DrivingB. To driveC. Driven D. Drive



单词拼写。根据下列句子所给汉语意思,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。1. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and b____.2. Anyone providing information which leads to the recovery of the painting will be r_____.3. Sixty percent of voters said they would _______(自愿) pay highe


The performance of the host,_____ to please theaudience and ..

The performance of the host,_____ to please theaudience and drew their attention,was greetedwith a coldsilence, however.[ ]A. had intendedB. intendedC. intending D. to intend
