填空题:用bring短语的适当形式填空。1.Sciencehas____ manychangesinou..

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  • 题目类型:填空题
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用bring短语的适当形式填空。 1.Sciencehas____ manychangesinourlives.
2.Mary_____ hersononherown.
3.Hedoespart-timejobsthat_____him ____ about30dollarsaweek.

John, you must get your room ________ after breakfast.[ ]A...

John, you must get your room ________ after breakfast.[ ]A. to be cleaned B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned


Twenty people went to his house and attended his birthdaypar..

Twenty people went to his house and attended his birthdayparty, me______.[ ]A. includingB. to includeC. include D. included


用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Ifoundmyself____(surround)byagro..

用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Ifoundmyself____(surround)byagroupofchildren. 2.Whenshecametolife,shefoundherself_____(lie)inhospital. 3.Hewasfound_____(die)inthemorning.


The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if____..

The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if____regularly,can improve our health.[ ]A. being carried outB. carrying outC. carried outD. to carry out


单词拼写。1. It was _________(安排)that they should leave t..

单词拼写。1. It was _________(安排)that they should leave the following spring.2. Harry Potter lives in a _________(幻想) world, which is totally different from ours.3. As beginner of a second language, you have many difficulties to _______(克服).4. The villagers he
