He finally bought several books by Tom, _____ is one.A.whic..

He finally bought several books by Tom, _____ is one.A.which of themB.which of whoseC.of which thisD.any of them


Mr. Smith will pay a visit to Beijing this autumn, ________..

Mr. Smith will pay a visit to Beijing this autumn, ________ we will enjoy the Olympic Games in 2008. A.whereB.whenC.whichD.how


The river______ are covered with trees is polluted.A.of whi..

The river______ are covered with trees is polluted.A.of which the banksB.whose banksC.the banks of whichD.A,B,C are right


The wrong you've done to him is terrible,for__________ you ..

The wrong you've done to him is terrible,for__________ you should make an apology to him, I think.A.thisB.whichC.whatD.that


What have you got _________ will help a cold?A.whatB.thatC...

What have you got _________ will help a cold?A.whatB.thatC.it D.who
