I;ll giev the novel to ___ wants to read it.A.whomeverB.wh..

I;ll giev the novel to ___ wants to read it.A.whomeverB.whateverC.whoeverD.whichever


In his speech, Premier Wen Jiabao points out that creativity..

In his speech, Premier Wen Jiabao points out that creativity is __it takes to keep a nation highly competitive . A.howB.what C.which D.that


Don’t talk such things ___ you don't understand.A.thatB.w..

Don’t talk such things ___ you don't understand.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.as


She looks sad. Could you please tell me ____ that prevents ..

She looks sad. Could you please tell me ____ that prevents her from being as happy as before?A.what it isB.it is whatC.how it isD.it is how


Knowing how long the test would last, the students who finis..

Knowing how long the test would last, the students who finished ____ back and waited until the end of the exam.A.settleB.settledC.settlingD.to settle
