Walk faster, ________ you may catch up with your friends ahe..

Walk faster, ________ you may catch up with your friends ahead.[ ]A.orB.butC.andD.yet


Allow children the space to voice their opinions,they are di..

Allow children the space to voice their opinions, they are different from your own. [ ]A. even if B. until C. unless D. as if


____ we have tried it, we can't imagine how hard it is.[ ]..

____ we have tried it, we can't imagine how hard it is.[ ]A. UnlessB. BecauseC. Although D. When


Jack was halfway back to the village where his mother lived ..

Jack was halfway back to the village where his mother lived _____ Mary caught up with him. [ ]A. when B. whileC. untilD. though


It's unfair! You sit there ,listening to me, _____ I stand ..

It's unfair! You sit there ,listening to me, _____ I stand here, teaching you. [ ]A. whenB. as C. while D. since
