The story is so interesting that he doesn't tear himself aw..

The story is so interesting that he doesn't tear himself away from the TV ________ it is time for lunch.[ ]A. as long asB. unlessC. even thoughD. if


Thewiseparentscantellwhether their children are telling the ..

Thewiseparentscantellwhether their children are telling the truth __________ they listen to their excuses to wrong deeds.[ ]A. the first time B.for the first timeC.every timeD. for every time



OneFriday,wewerepackingtoleaveforaweekendaway____mydaughterheardcriesforhelp.[ ]A.afterB.while C.sinceD.when


I persuaded my parents ________ we should go to Italy for a ..

I persuaded my parents ________ we should go to Italy for a holiday rather than Scotland.[ ]A. whatB. thatC. whereD. how


________clearly aware of the danger ahead,he accepted the ta..

________clearly aware of the danger ahead,he accepted the task without fear. [ ]A. As ifB. ThoughC. IfD. As though
