填空题:单词拼写。 1. Old Tom, together with his fellows, d________..

单词拼写。 1. Old Tom, together with his fellows, d________ the dead baleen whale to the depths of the ocean and
the whalers all waved goodbye to them.
2. People t________ to think the disabled have an awful life due to their disabilities.
3. Most students here have become a________ to getting up early and doing piles of homework.
4. Jean is pretty, intelligent, outgoing, diligent and….In one word, she is the e________ of her peers and
the pride of her family.
5. If we students go on like this, under such great p_______, we are bound to break down sooner or later.
6. She is 12 years j_______ to me, but she's a household name now. How I admire her talents!
7. Turning around, she found a shark swimming behind her. She p________ and trembled with fear, unable
to flee away.
8. As an excellent graduate, Piccaso was faced with a wide r________ of choices to work abroad.
9. Reading Franklin's biography is greatly b________ to young men, for they will be given piles of precious
advice on life and study.
10. Tom Sawyer was a________ from birth by his parents and this led him to a miserable life all by himself.

The man entered the room and looked everywhere _____ in sear..

The man entered the room and looked everywhere _____ in search of something.A. so that B. even if C. as if D. in case


I would appreciate it _____you help me with my English.[ ]A..

I would appreciate it _____you help me with my English.A. that B. if C. where D. in case


Hardly _____ to the airport _____ he was surrounded by many ..

Hardly _____ to the airport _____ he was surrounded by many journalists and fans.A. the famous singer had got; when B. the famous singer got; thenC. had the famous singer got; when D. did the famous singer get; then


—You will never believe that it took us two hours to get to ..

—You will never believe that it took us two hours to get to the restaurant.—Really? You ________ in a traffic jam.A.needn't have got stuckB.couldn't have got stuckC.must have got stuckD.should have got stuck


When I was a child,I ________ watch TV whenever I wanted to..

When I was a child,I ________ watch TV whenever I wanted to. (2013·江西,29)A.shouldB.couldC.mustD.need
