Experts are trying to work out a plan to deal with the probl..

Experts are trying to work out a plan to deal with the problems caused by global warming _____ it is too late.A. when B. ifC. beforeD. until


John couldn't finish his words _____ something had struck h..

John couldn't finish his words _____ something had struck his throat.A. though B. as though C. when D. since


单词拼写。1. He c____ working as if nothing had happened to..

单词拼写。1. He c____ working as if nothing had happened to him. 2. The weather was freezing cold and mother put another b____ on the bed. 3. Parents should e____ their children to behave well. 4. He had a feeling of t____ when he talked about the prison. 5. T


一 My son is addicted to drugs. He isn't hopeless, is he?..

一 My son is addicted to drugs. He isn't hopeless, is he? 一 Yes, _____ he mends his ways and starts all over.A. if B. when C. even if D. unless


_____ I could get in a word he had left. [ ]A. Until B. B..

_____ I could get in a word he had left.A. Until B. Before C. After D. As
