单选题:Sometimes ____ you know you've done something wrong and you..

  • 题目分类:从属连词
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:会员
Sometimes ____ you know you've done something wrong and you feel bad about it, it takes courage to say sorry.
A. once
B. only if
C. unless
D. even though

— Will you go to attend her wedding? — No, _____ invited to..

— Will you go to attend her wedding? — No, _____ invited to.A. as if B. even if C. if D. whether


_____ the Financial Crisis spreads, more and more countries ..

_____ the Financial Crisis spreads, more and more countries get involved.A. When B. AsC. WithD. While


The teacher asked Mary _____ she could tell him the general ..

The teacher asked Mary _____ she could tell him the general idea of the poem.A. that ifB. whether C. that D. how


The girl had hardly rung the bell _____the door was opened s..

The girl had hardly rung the bell _____the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her.A. before B. until C. as D. since


Don't look _____ the designer only _____ she is a woman. [..

Don't look _____ the designer only _____ she is a woman.A. down on; because of B. upon down; because C. down upon; because D. down upon; because of
