填空题:用下列单词的适当形式填空。 strike, beat, hit1. The criminal..

用下列单词的适当形式填空。 strike, beat, hit
1. The criminal gang _____ the man so severely that he almost died.
2. I left immediately after the clock _____ twelve.
3. _____ while the iron is hot.
4. What _____ me was their enthusiasm for work.

According to the factory safety rules, all accidents _____ b..

According to the factory safety rules, all accidents _____ be reported to the safety officer.A.mayB.canC.wouldD.shall


You'll not succeed _____ you work hard. [ ]A. whenB. if ..

You'll not succeed _____ you work hard.A. whenB. if C. unlessD. because


It will be some time _____ we know the full results. [ ]A...

It will be some time _____ we know the full results.A. if B. sinceC. when D. before


Frank insisted that he was not asleep _____I had great diffi..

Frank insisted that he was not asleep _____I had great difficulty in waking him up.A. whetherB. although C. for D. so


Overloaded with work, school teachers now get far less sleep..

Overloaded with work, school teachers now get far less sleep than they ______.A.shallB.shouldC.mayD.might
