单选题:— Anything else should we pay attention to if we go camping?..

  • 题目分类:从属连词
  • 题目类型:单选题
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— Anything else should we pay attention to if we go camping?
— Nothing much.Just take a raincoat _____it rains. A. in case
B. as if
C. even if
D. so that

I don't know why she's looking at me _____she knew me. I'..

I don't know why she's looking at me _____she knew me. I've never seen her before in my life.A. as B. although C. as if D. even if


We should keep an open mind about some strange old wives' t..

We should keep an open mind about some strange old wives' tales, _____ they do have some truth in them.A. and B. so C. because D. until


_____ environmental damage is done, it doestake many years f..

_____ environmental damage is done, it doestake many years for the ecosystem to recover.A. Even if B. While C. Only ifD. Once


Her pale face suggests that she ______ in poor health and st..

Her pale face suggests that she ______ in poor health and strongly suggest that she _____ a doctor.A. is; seesB. be; see C. is; seeD. be; should see


Can you imagine that a smart man like him ________ make such..

Can you imagine that a smart man like him ________ make such a stupid mistake?A.mightB.shouldC.wouldD.need
