Economic growth in the world remains weak throughout 2013 a..

Economic growth in the world remains weak throughout 2013 and it is hoped that it will up gradually in 2014.A.breakB.makeC.pickD.turn


The teachers promised to __________ the wishes of the parent..

The teachers promised to __________ the wishes of the parents before making any change. A.take into account attention toC.consider thatD.take account for


If no measures are taken, the special wild plant will ______..

If no measures are taken, the special wild plant will ________ some day.A.die outB.die awayC.die downD.die off


.It was the boy, rather than his brothers, that _________ f..

.It was the boy, rather than his brothers, that _________ for what they had done.A.were to blameB.were to be blamedC.was to blameD.was to be blamed


Chengdu has focused on improving the surrounding countrysid..

Chengdu has focused on improving the surrounding countryside, ________ encouraging large­scale city expansion.A.due toB.rather thanC.except forD.other than
